
首页 /药靶模型 /药靶细胞 /信号调控 /pCBRG-AHRE



询 价
留 言
Description: pAHRE-Luc is designed for monitoring the induction of Aryl hydrocarbon response element.The classical recognition motif of the AhR/ARNT complex, referred to as either the AhR-, dioxin- or xenobiotic- responsive element (AHRE, DRE or XRE), contains the core sequence 5'-GCGTG-3' within the consensus sequence 5'-T/GNGCGTGA/CG/CA-3' in the promoter region of AhR responsive genes. The AhR/ARNT heterodimer directly binds the AHRE/DRE/XRE core sequence in an asymmetric manner such that ARNT binds to 5'-GTG-3' and AhR binding 5'-TC/TGC-3'. Recent research suggests that a second type of element termed AHRE-II, 5'-CATG(N6)C[T/A]TG-3', is capable of indirectly acting with the AhR/ARNT complex. Regardless of the response element, the end result is a variety of differential changes in gene expression.
Plasmid profile:
Unit Size: 1-4μg
Pathway (Activitor): Aryl hydrocarbon receptor
Pathway profile:
Full Name: Aryl hydrocarbon receptor
Cis response element: AHRE ( Aryl hydrocarbon response element)
Shelf Life: One year from date of receipt under proper storage conditions.
Storage: -20°C
Mode of transportation: Ice bag transport
Matters needing attention: For your health, please wear lab clothes and disposable gloves.

药靶模型联系方式: 华东销售经理:18240630236 全国销售经理:18066071954
诊断标准品联系方式: 华东销售经理:15000320447 华北销售经理:18131625521 华南销售经理:13484295986 华中&西南销售经理:13871580511 全国销售经理:13484295986

