
首页 /药靶模型 /药靶细胞 /免疫治疗 /ICOS Effector Reporter Cell

ICOS Effector Reporter Cell


询 价
I. Background
ICOS is a costimulatory molecule of the CD28 cell surface receptor superfamily that is expressed on activated T-cells. ICOS is involved in T-cell responses upon binding with its ligand, ICOSL (also known as B7-H2, CD275), which is normally expressed on B-cells, dendritic cells and monocytes.
II. Description

 ICOS expression confers an activated phenotype and a strong suppressive capacity to intra-tumoral regulatory T-cells. The ICOS/ICOSL pathway is a key target for cancer immunotherapy.

III. Introduction
Expressed gene: ICOS
Stability: 32 passages (in-house test, that not means the cell line will be instable beyond the passages we tested.)
Synonym(s): T-cell costimulator, CD278
Freeze Medium: 90% FBS+10% DMSO
Culture Medium: RPMI-1640+10%FBS+800ug/ml hygromycin+10ug/ml blasticidin
Mycoplasma Testing: Negative
Storage: Liquid nitrogen
Application(s): Functional(Report Gene) Assay
IV. Representative Data

Figure 1. Dose response of Anti-lCOS Ab in ICOS Effector Reporter Cells(C5).

药靶模型联系方式: 华东销售经理:18240630236 全国销售经理:18066071954
诊断标准品联系方式: 华东销售经理:15000320447 华北销售经理:18131625521 华南销售经理:13484295986 华中&西南销售经理:13871580511 全国销售经理:13484295986

